Did you know that couples wait an average of 6 years before seeking help for their relationship concerns? It’s important to address concerns early to prevent issues from growing.
Avoid being critical toward your partner when disagreements arise. Instead, become inquisitive about their points of views. Open communication will help build a deeper understanding of your partner.
Alter your approach when addressing concerns with your partner. Avoid blaming, criticizing, or becoming contemptuous, which only serve to escalate conflicts. Instead, take a deep breath and soften your approach.
Remain flexible to your partner’s needs. Successful relationships involve both partners being able to rely on each other in times of need.
Create and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationship.
Learn how to deescalate an argument before it gets out of control. Effective communication is key.
Focus on the positives! Successful couples focus on their partner’s positive attributes and the positives within their relationship, rather than the negatives.
If you would like Marriage Counseling or Relationship Counseling at Star Point Counseling Center then please call us at 813-244-1251. starpointcentertampa.com