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Am I Depressed? AT Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL.

Do you struggle to find the motivation to do things you used to enjoy doing?

Maybe you are tired more than you usually are and you just can’t find the energy to do things.

Do you find it hard to get out of bed?

Your brain may feel tired more than you usually are and you can’t find the energy to do things.

You feel worthless. You’re stuck thinking to yourself, “Why can’t you just ___________ (fill in the blank)?”

You’re not hanging out with friends or family as much as you once did. You may feel sad, frustrated, anxious, or irritable. You don’t want to keep feeling this way, and the truth is, you don’t have to. If this sounds like something you are experiencing, counseling for depression at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can help.

We all go through various struggles, losses, or events in our life, leading us to feel down, sad, or overwhelmed. But, depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, is more than “feeling down”. Depression can change how you think, feel, and act in your day-to-day life. It causes feelings of hopelessness or despair that won’t go away. They interfere with your ability to work, sleep, eat, engage with others, and enjoy life.

Depression and depression symptoms can look different for each person. Yet, there are some common symptoms. These symptoms are sometimes related to feeling down.

If these symptoms are persistent and occur often, it may be a sign you are dealing with depression:

– Depressed mood most of the day, almost every day.

– Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

– Withdrawing or isolating yourself from others

– Decrease or increase appetite

– Increase in restlessness or slowed movements

– Fatigue and loss of energy

– Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless or guilt (self-blame)

– Difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleeping

– Irritability

– Trouble concentrating

– Thoughts of death, suicide, or hurting yourself

Depression can make you feel like, “What’s the point?” If you are experiencing any of the above, counseling for depression at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can be helpful.


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