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Letting Go of Resentment

Are you willing to let go of resentment so you can have more fulfilling relationships?

Believe it or not, one of many simple ways to let go of resentment is choosing to love rather than to hate. That’s right! LOVE! Its the opposite of hate, anger, or fear. Ever heard the phrase “killing ’em with kindness?” Well, that phrase can go a long way.

Think of it like this, if you send love (positivity) toward someone instead of hate (negativity), you actually begin to break down pieces of their wall allowing them to return positivity to you. In other words, by sending love someone’s way, that love comes back to you. It works the same way with hate. If you send hate someone’s way, that hate comes back to you.

What goes around comes back around.

Schedule some time during your day to think loving thoughts about a person you resent. Hint: think of the things that you liked about that person to begin with. Use that time to wish them well and ask for blessings to go their way.

Now I know this is easier said than done, but it can be done. It will feel weird for a little while, maybe for a week, a month, a year or so, but eventually you will begin noticing peace and love where there once was hatred and resentment. You will even begin to mean it. By doing this small, yet simple, exercise you will rebuild your relationships and they will become more fulfilling.

Will you try to let go of your resentment starting today?

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