While most people believe anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, is a bad thing, it can serve a useful purpose. Your body’s natural response to stress helps you react quickly to emergencies and protects you from danger. Anxiety can also motivate you to work harder or stay focused on a goal. It can even help you with tense situations.
There reaches a point, however, when the normal anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, that comes from living your life crosses a line and interferes with your ability to function in a healthy way. This debilitating anxiety causes excessive, irrational fears that impact your mind, your emotions, your relationships and your personal and professional responsibilities.
When this happens, you may want to seek out a mental health professional at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, who specializes in therapy for anxiety.
Signs & Symptom of Anxiety
You’re probably wondering if your anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, has reached that point. How do you know if your stress and fears are normal or if you’re struggling with an anxiety disorder? Here are some signs and symptoms that could indicate your need for anxiety counseling:
Excessive fear, worry, nervousness or panic
Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts
Dwelling on or flashing back to a traumatic event
Irrational rituals or behaviors
Feeling on-edge or restless
Inability to be still or calm
Difficulty concentrating
Muscle tension
Numbness in the hands or feet
Dry mouth
Nausea or gastrointestinal problems
Excessive sweating
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath or hyperventilation
Sleep disturbances