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Summer Parenting

Summer is well underway for school kids, but summer also has a long way until it is time to start thinking about going back to school. With the excitement of the ending of another school year waning down, it is time that kids start to become bored with their loads of free time. Although you love your kids, this much free time can often lead to conflict – especially during their school years. Whether it be constant stress, worry, and disagreement with what your child is doing away from home, or whether the constant boredom is putting stress, conflict, and feelings of insufficiency on you for not entertaining them enough, a large excess of free time is not always best.

Parenting can be one of the most difficult challenges in life. If you are experiencing troubles this summer, then there is no need to worry; this is very common and there is help for you. Here are ten signs that you might be dealing with too much stress in parenting and could benefit largely from help:

  1. You are worried and feel like you are setting inadequate limits with your child.

  2. You are admittingly facing difficulty in dealing with your child’s more problematic behaviors.

  3. You are struggling to manage your emotional reactions to your child’s misbehavior.

  4. There is an increase in conflict between you and your spouse over how to parent/discipline.

  5. You are demonstrating tendencies of lax supervision and feel inadequate in setting proper limits.

  6. You regularly over-cater to your child’s wishes and demands.

  7. You display a tendency to be harsh, rigid, and even demeaning towards your child.

  8. You feel as if your pattern of parenting is often emotionally and physically abusive.

  9. You lack knowledge and experience regarding reasonable expectations for your child and their given developmental level.

  10. Finally, you feel over-exhausted and empty of ideas and resources in attempting to deal with your child’s behavior.

Needing help with effective and healthy parenting is more common than people think. Sometimes getting advice from your friends and family, who have already been through it, will help you through the difficult times of parenting. However, there are times where they may not have the help you need. Seeking counseling to help your parenting situation can be very beneficial to you, your child, and your whole family. If you feel like you see some of the signs listed above, then remember that counseling is always a very friendly option. If you wish to achieve the long term goals of effective parenting by learning how to manage challenging behavior, use realistic parenting approaches, terminate ineffective or even abusive strategies, strengthen your parental team and spousal relationships to ultimately achieve a higher level of family connectedness, then counseling could be the perfect option for you.

Here at Star Point Counseling Center we offer guidance to help you feel better about your parenting and family relationship. So don’t let the long summer stress you out! You can call us at (813)-244-1251 or visit our website at

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