We work to make our veterans’ homecoming as rewarding as possible. We will help you identify and find relief from signs and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depression (MDD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAS), etc., and provide the services necessary to assure the adjustment to civilian life.
We work to reverse the dissociation and desensitization that was, in war, a source of strength, which otherwise at home may contribute to a sense of detachment, estrangement, and/or an inability to give, express, or receive love.
We are also here for our Policemen, Sheriffs, Deputies, First Responders, Firemen, and other community men and women who risk their lives for our welfare and safety. We are prepared to help them, as well as others present with grief and loss, Vicarious Traumatization, stress management, and other issues that may result from the selfless services they provide.